FREE First Chapters Collection from Paper Lantern Writers!

I’m very pleased to announce that Paper Lantern Writers–a Historical Fiction Writers Collective that I belong to–is launching a store!

Our initial volume offers readers a sneak peek into the various historical worlds of our current members. Download Paper Lantern Writers’ FIRST CHAPTERS: VOLUME ONE on either a .epub platform or a .pdf platform for free!

Included is MY Gilded Age mystery FANNY NEWCOMB AND THE IRISH CHANNEL RIPPER, C.V. Lee’s medieval work-in-progress ROSES AND REBELS, Kathryn Pritchett’s 19th century polygamous homesteader work-in-progress THE CASKET MAKER’S OTHER WIFE, Katie Stine/Edie Cay’s Regency historical romance A LADY’S REVENGE, and Linda Ulleseit’s 19th century Californian family saga UNDER THE ALMOND TREES.

Visit us at to download!