More great quotes about photography…

Yesterday’s links essay on Paper Lantern Writers featured some great quotes about photography, including this one:

“There are no bad pictures; that’s just how your face looks sometimes.” – President Abraham Lincoln

There were, in fact, so many great quotes about photography and being photographed that I couldn’t used them all. But I would like to share them with you.

“The two most engaging powers of a photograph are to make new things familiar and familiar things new.”
– William Thackeray

“I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn’t photograph them.”
– Diane Arbus

“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.” 
– Eudora Welty

“When you photograph a face… you photograph the soul behind it.”
– Jean-Luc Godard

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow.”
– Imogen Cunningham


vintage cameras

Photo from the Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection, via the Library of Congress.