What She Wore…Wednesday March 4, 1908
on March 4, 2020
We’re still in 1908 with “The New Millinery” from the Washington (District of Columbia) Herald.
on March 4, 2020
We’re still in 1908 with “The New Millinery” from the Washington (District of Columbia) Herald.
on February 25, 2020
Fresh from New York City (and The Evening World newspaper), it’s Bloomingdales, selling $18 & $20 Taffeta and Satin Foulard Dresses at – – – $10.75!
on February 25, 2020
Ladies! Here’s a Well-Cut Frock from the Fort Myers, Florida News-Press! “Here’s a most attractive tub frock with just the practical features you need for workaday wear: Front-button closing, easy fullness below the shoulder yoke, action back, big pockets and a sash to fit the waistline.”
on February 14, 2020
The feast of Saint Valentine of Rome was designated in the year 496. The date? February 14th, of course. About 900 years later, Saint Valentine and his feast day (already celebrated with food, drink, jousting, poetry, singing, and dancing) somehow became associated with romance, passion, and love. And so began the need to send Saint… Read More
on February 12, 2020
The (Munster, Indiana) Times suggests that Your Valentine wants 51-Gauge Crepe Ringless Chiffons @ 59 cents a pair. “51-gauge beautiful chiffons–aristocrats of the hosiery world–available at this extremely low price only because of tiny irregularities!” Just what would these chiffons costs if there were no irregularities at all?
on February 5, 2020
The very kind and wonderful storyteller Suzanne Adair has invited me to share how to “hold history in your hands” in this week’s Relevant History blog. And…here’s Suzanne’s scoop on the FANNY NEWCOMB giveaway: “A big thanks to Ana Brazil! She’ll give away a packet of four reproduction postcards and one original postcard of Italian… Read More
on February 5, 2020
“A Well Proportioned Figure is Always Attractive!” (So says the Wichita (Kansas) Daily Eagle of February 5, 1919.) “Good-looking women vary in type, but their proportions are always good. Great numbers of them wear Nemo Corsets. NEMO CORSETS, $3.50 and up. NEMO BRASSIERES, $1.00, $1/50 and up.”
on January 29, 2020
What she wore AFTER she “made this model at home” from The Times (Shreveport, Louisiana): “Why is the morning brighter? Because it’s both pleasant and easy to slip into this crisp and youthful house frock, knowing one is smartly and becomingly attired for “at home” hours. Truly a beginner’s fashion, with but five easy pieces… Read More
on January 15, 2020
What She Wore underneath it all–courtsey of the Davenport (Iowa) Democrat and Leader–is so luscious that I just have to include the second half of the advertisement!
on January 15, 2020
You might already know that most of the clothing advertisements in late 19th Century newspapers did not display many illustrations. And so it was in the Wednesday January 15 1896 issue of the Valley Spirit from Chambersburg, PA–the clothing advertisements were text only. The Battle Ax Plug Tobacco advertisement was another story. It featured… Read More